The Secrets of Girl Orgasm

Orgasmology is a new guide that’s all about the special science of explosive sex and multiple orgasms.

It’s written by a guy called W. Wilcox, who clearly knows the key secrets to give any girl multiple orgasms.

Orgasmology reveals powerful ways to sexually impress and pleasure women, skills that most men never learn and use.
Written in a simple English, the techniques and knowledge from the Orgasmology guide will change your sex life forever.

If you, want to boost your abilities in bed and give any girl a mind blowing orgasm,
check out the guide at

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Female Orgasm: A Male Perspective

So what is the female orgasm?
Would a man recognise one if it jumped up and bit him?
I doubt it. The three minute fake orgasm sequence from the film“When Harry met Sally” on the huge screen in the darkened lecture theater set the scene perfectly for what was to follow.
Dissatisfaction, disappointment, disinterest, and even downright disgust are common feelings women have about having sex.

The Irish Catholic christian brother philosophy on sex and masturbation came straight from the Taleban school of sexual etiquette. The nuns weren’t far behind, grudgingly admitting that sex in marriage was occasionally necessary for procreation and wasn’t sin as long as you didn’t enjoy it.

The more sexual work I do,the more I realize that guilt, shame, anxiety, and low self-esteem are at the root of most of the nation’s unhappy sex life. And who does the nation talk to about this? Well, I’m afraid it’s not often broached with doctors or other health care workers. Why?

Both are embarrassed. Even though the relationship and sexual dysfunction may be the cause of overwhelming unhappiness patients are reluctant to ask for help. And how many of us, on reaching that delicate, poised moment, in the consultation, break eye contact and re-medicalise the situation for fear of unearthing profound desperation, requiring emotional input?
Opening that Pandora’s box can be cathartic for the patient, but is always draining for the health professional.

I also recommend further home work for self development, as this process needs to be initiated for any lasting resolution. For how to make a girl orgasm, a book called Orgasmology by W. Wilcox is an excellent guide. There are, of course, lots of websites, but one I have found useful is

Visit the site for more explosive sex techniques that give a girl an orgasm in under 3 minutes.